Technical Assistance for 25 Transit Projects in 25 States


SUMC is working with the FTA and 25 selected agencies and organizations to implement groundbreaking mobility projects by providing technical assistance through the Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) program. 

In total, the IMI program awards $20.3 million to grantees to execute mobility solutions in urban, suburban, and rural areas that focus on on-demand transportation, transit automation, and multimodal payment integration to:

  • Use new business and technology approaches to support mobility 
  • Enhance transportation efficiency and effectiveness in communities nationwide
  • Expand personal mobility by deploying proven mobility solutions

Three projects from the MOD Sandbox and On-Ramp programs were selected to build on or launch their projects through the IMI program—exploring integrated payment options and enhancing customer experience in TriMet’s Open Trip Planner; a multimodal trip-planning platform with supporting services for a rural and small-urban population in Tompkins County, NY; and an affordable first/last-mile connection in Memphis to support the Memphis Area Transportation Authority’s new transit vision.

In the Months Ahead

SUMC will engage with the IMI grantees to gain a deeper understanding of what is needed to make their pilot projects a success. Using internal expertise and resources, as well as expanding the reach of its mobility innovation network, SUMC will identify and address emerging challenges in MOD, transit automation, mobility management, multimodal payments, and other relevant areas. 

SUMC will then use a range of activities, including mentorship from mobility experts, on-site training, focused discussion, and expansion of the MOD Learning Center, to both guide individual projects and broaden the knowledge base for the transit industry around mobility innovation.