Shared-Use Mobility Center Unveils How Communities Are Using New Technology to Improve Human Services Transportation.

September 26, 2024

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Hannah Wilson, Senior Director of Partnerships and Engagement
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CHICAGO, September 24, 2024The Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC), in collaboration with AARP Public Policy Institute, published Connecting Community Transportation: Lessons Learned from Transactional Data Specification Demonstration Projects and a research report on how a new data standard can be used to improve transportation for people with disabilities, older adults who have stopped driving, and residents of rural areas and a Roadmap to Implementation.

Human services transportation typically takes the form of what is called demand-responsive transportation (DRT)— services that do not follow fixed routes or schedules: examples include dial-a-ride, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit, taxis, volunteer-provided transportation, and app-based ride-hailing services. There are an estimated 1,000 DRT services currently operating in the U.S. Many public transit systems in small towns and rural areas operate on a demand-responsive basis as do most human services transportation providers. 

Demand-responsive services are critical for people who cannot drive or access regular public transportation. But they are often fragmented. There may be multiple providers in a given region, but each may operate in a silo, leading to both duplicative services and denials of trip requests. 

Until recently, the lack of adequate technology has been a major obstacle to this coordination, but that need not be the case. A new transactional data specification for DRT (TDS), published in 2020 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Transportation Research Board, addresses this need. This report showcases the first demonstration projects of this new data standard. Noteworthy case studies include projects of the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization in Northern Colorado and the Minnesota Department of Transportation TDS pilot in Southern and Western Minnesota. Summaries of projects in Ohio, California, Oregon, and Washington are also included. The paper discusses key takeaways from demonstration projects and outlines additional coordination opportunities, such as with providers of non-emergency medical transportation. The new report sheds light on how the TDS can bridge gaps, enhancing service interoperability and access. 

Download the Report and Supporting Resources:

“Creating an open and interoperable platform was key to the success of Minnesota DOT’s regional multimodal digital trip planner. Using TDS as the basis of our booking integration helped rural dial-a-ride and ADA paratransit services seamlessly connect their scheduling software to trip planning so their riders can easily request a ride 24/7. Our use of the TDS data standard means this solution will work with other software providers and allow us to scale this solution to the rest of the state,” says Greater Minnesota Shared Mobility Program Coordinator Elliott McFadden

“The TDS demonstration projects highlight the innovative approaches that rural and urban communities around the country are taking to increase transportation access. We hope these resources offer valuable insights and practical guidance to nonprofit human services transportation providers, transit agencies, state DOTs, metropolitan planning organizations and their stakeholders and that they drive widespread adoption of the TDS”, says Benjamin de la Pena, CEO of the Shared Use Mobility Center.


SUMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public interest organization and international thought leader working to replace car-centric transportation with people-focused shared mobility to fight climate change, promote equity, and strengthen community. Learn more at


The AARP Public Policy Institute informs and stimulates public debate on the issues we face as we age. PPI promotes the development of sound, creative policies to address our common need for economic security, health care, and quality of life.